Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Van The Musician

Van got a hold of Ashley's harmonica the other day, and taught himself how to play. I think he walked around for about an hour playing it almost constantly. We thought it was pretty darn funny and cute. Sorry the video is sideways. I don't have the tools to flip it, and I forgot that if I record that way, than it's stuck like that. Also, I don't know what he's chewing on, but it's not gum.

I just wanted to add this. I love the way he sleeps. It's hard to tell, but he actually has part of his body lifted up. I love how his legs are crossed too. He crosses his legs all the time, and it makes me laugh.


Mindy said...

Oh my goodness, that's adorable! Definitely a budding musician you've got there! I think he's grown up since I saw him just a few weeks ago.

Brenda said...

He is just too cute. I hate it when I record a video sideways, and then remember afterwards that it stays sideways. I do that all the time!

Nicole & Ammon said...

Oh my heck he is getting so grown up! What a cutie! I love his crossed legs too!

Grandma Brenda said...

He's the cutest little boy ever!!!...I like his grown-up little outfit too!!!I bet he likes it outdoors :)