Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Van Knows Stuff

I haven't really put anything of Van showing off his intelligence. We work on stuff everyday, and he picks up pretty quick. I was actually trying to get him to do animal sounds for me. He was doing them, until I pulled out the camera....of course. I'll try to get that soon, but he's so camera shy. He's known these body parts for awhile now. We're starting to work on some new ones. P.S. I hate hearing myself. I'm annoying.


Brenda said...

He's so cute! I hate hearing myself on video too. I think we all do, but you sounded just fine.

Mindy said...

I agree with Brenda... I think you sound just fine. Waaaay better than I sound recorded!

Smart AND cute... it doesn't get much better than Van and that smile... and those cheeks...

Felicia H. said...

I hate hearing myself on camera too, I think I soud really high pitched and annoying.

Van is just so cute and I can't believe how big he is!

A.T. said...

He sure is a good looking little guy and smart I didn't know my parts till I was 5