Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We're Painting

We've started to paint the main level of the house. We're painting the walls a brown color, and the ceiling a really light brown, almost an off white. We think it's going to look so much better, once it's done. Jason can't stand the white down there. He doesn't want to leave anything white. It's so much work. It's taken us over a week just to do the prep work, and we still haven't done it all. It will be done today though. I can't wait for it to be done. I haven't cleaned down there sine we've started, because what would be the point. I hate dirty floors and dirty kitchens. That's enough complaining. Here's some pictures of what we've done so far.

This is our helper kitty.

This is our scaredy kitty. She doesn't want part in any of it.


Geoff said...

i like the color! I know what a pain painting is we were painting only a few weeks ago.

Brenda said...

It looks really nice so far!

Geoff said...

Good going you guys.

Mindy said...

When you're done with that, you can come help paint our living room that had an "accident" this winter. I HATE painting! YOu guys are amazing!

Jason said...

Look at how bald I am.

Nicole & Ammon said...

Wow, looks good! I hate painting! I was just doing that today! Will it ever end?