Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby, softball and other cool stuff

Dallas says I need to write something, so I will.

I'm really super excited that we're having a baby. It is due on November 3rd. I have wanted a baby for a long time. We are going to try to get our basement finished as soon as we can. That way we can use the office upstairs for a bedroom for the baby. It will be a lot of work, but hopefully we can get it done. If anyone knows anything about basement finishing and wants to give me any tips, feel free.

We start our softball season on Monday. I'm excited for it. It will be our 4th year doing it. It is something I look forward to all year. I'm glad I have my wife Dallas, my sister Brenda, my brother Geoff, my sister-in-law Brianna, and many good friends on the team with me. That's what makes it so fun for me. Some of them have played on the team all four years. If I didn't do softball I really wouldn't have a life at all. So anyway, that's one thing I'm looking forward to.

We are almost halfway done with the painting on our main level. We have some more to do of the brown on the walls, then we are doing a light brown on the ceiling, doors, and moulding. Painting really sucks. Really bad. I think it will look a lot better when we are done, though.


Geoff said...

I don't know much about finishing basements but if you need help geoff and I would be glad to do what we can. Have you guys thought about baby names? I love hearing new names

Dallas said...

We have been talking about baby names. We bought a baby naming book. We're not telling anyone what we're going to go with though. That's one of Jason's things.

Felicia H. said...

It's better that way, it's annoying telling people and then hearing people say they don't like it and other annoying comments

Mindy said...

I'm excited that you guys are having a baby too! And I also hate hate hate painting. Hate. Hate. Sorry, I couldn't stop. I think it's fun to share baby names with your sister, Mindy. She never says she doesn't like it, and never tells you what to do. She just likes to hear what's going around your brain. Believe me, I had enough people tell me what they thought of Cooper... but really, could he be anything else?