Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Something I Need to Learn

Well, I need to learn lots of things, but this is what I'm thinking about right now. This was Donovan's outfit today, that Jason picked out. If you can't tell, the shorts are light blue, dark blue, and white. The shirt is a charcoal color. I would not think to put this outfit together. I would probably choose a blue or white shirt. For some reason I can't get out of my head, that clothes need to match perfectly. Jason does this all the time. He'll wear some blue plaid shorts, and put a brown shirt with it. It always works fine, and looks good. I would like to learn how to make clothes that don't match look good somehow. However, I don't think girls can get away with this as well as boys can. Anyway, I know this is random, but I wanted to share.

Here is the durn picture

So, I figured I would just post the picture I was talking about in the previous post. Here it is.

My photo

A photo of mine, taken on Antelope Island, was published in this online guide. You'll have to scroll through the pictures to see mine because I couldn't figure out how to just make this widget thingy show my photo. Anyway, check it out eh?

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Artistic Fun

The girls and me have been doing this project for the past couple of days. It's been pretty entertaining. Jason even played with us today. I don't know what it's called, but I'm sure a lot of you have seen it. I did it when I was a kid. I know the beads are called perler beads, and you put it on a grid type thing, and put the iron on them so it melts together.





I made this for Jason. I didn't think about how you turn it around, so it's a backwards "J".

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Van Clapping

I taught Van to clap a few days ago. He loved it when I would clap, and he liked to hold on to my hands while I did it and laugh. Sometimes he'll do it if I ask, "can you clap?". Most of the time he'll do it if I say, "Yeah". He'll say "yeah" too now when he does it. It's so cute, I love it.

Van's First Swim

We took Van swimming a couple of weeks ago. He loves it of course. He had big smiles most of the time. He likes to splash in his floaty thing we bought. I've taken him once since then, and he didn't want to get out.

Mom of the Year

A couple of days ago I had a wake up call. Donovan was on my bed, and I had to do something. I saw that he would have to roll over twice to fall off the bed. He was out of my sight for just a few seconds, and that was long enough for him to roll over twice. Jason was down stairs, and he said it was a pretty loud bang. He landed right on his face. He had a red mark on his head for most of the day. His nose took most of the fall. I feel so bad every time I think of it. It was extremely irresponsible of me. My baby is rolling lots now, and now I know he's quicker than I thought. Luckily our bed frame is broken, so the box spring and mattress are sitting on the floor. Uh....I want to cry every time I look at his nose. The first three pictures are of the day it happened, and the last ones are the next day.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

5th of July

We went to my cousins twin daughters first birthday party. I guess that makes them my 2nd cousins? They live in Illinois, so this was the first time I've seen them in person. They were so cute. I didn't get to talk to my cousins as much as I would have liked. Thanks for inviting us guys, and hope to see you again soon.

Van and A.T.

My Mom, Ashley, Olivia, and Grandma.

Jason, Darcin, and Brianna.

My cousin Sunny is sitting behind them. Amanda is on the left, and Layla on the right. Aren't they the cutest?

They started out almost timid with their cake, but by the end they were pretty messy. I think they even had some in their ears.

The dog is Bailey, their big sister, as my cousins like to say.

They kept getting Amanda(on the left)to clap, and chocolate was flying. It was pretty funny

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

I'm finally getting around to it. We went to Lagoon on the 4th. It was a lot of fun. We went with Jason's sister Brenda, brother Geoff and their families. It worked out pretty well, I think. We had two groups for part of the day. We had the big ride goers, and the kiddie riders. I don't think there was too many melt downs with the kids. Donovan handled it a lot better than I thought, for not napping much. I enjoyed it and hope we can do it again next year.

Cheesy Olivia

Kevin looks like he's having fun.

Ethan and grumpy Olivia

Olivia on the train.

Van enjoying the train ride.

Allston on the train.

Olivia and Allston on the bumper cars.

Shhh....baby sleeping. This was his ten minute nap. He also had a twenty minute one later, and that was it all day.

Ethan, Brenda, Troy, Allston, and Geoff. I don't know what happened to Allston.

Brenda, Troy, Kevin, and Olivia about to get wet on Rattle Snake Rapids

Van hanging out

Allston cheesing it up.

Ethan and Troy. I think this ride is called the Odyssey.

Kevin and Brenda

Geoff and Olivia

getting ready to fall asleep....

and asleep.

My cute Vanny Wanny

Ashley, Kaitlyn, and Olivia on Cliffhanger.

Kaitlyn, Ashley, and Olivia posing.

Van and me super tired at the end of the day. I look pretty terrible