Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Just have a little thing to say about the baby. Our count down to my due date on the left of our blog is supposed to show how the baby is growing and positioned. I can tell you he has turned like that. I can definitely feel him in my ribs now. It's not the most enjoyable feeling there is. I do love feeling the baby move though over all. The pregnancy so far has been one of the most enjoyable things I've experienced. I like being pregnant, and I never thought I would have said that. I thought it was going to be miserable. I always knew the outcome would be worth it, but I didn't think I would actually enjoy the being pregnant part.


Felicia H. said...

We are so excited to see your little baby boy! I'm so glad you have enjoyed being pregnant!

Brenda said...

Yay, an update! I love hearing from you guys! That's awesome that your pregnancy is going so well--it's definitely good not to be miserable. :D I need to call when I get the invitations done, so you can stop by with the insert thingies.

Mindy said...

40 days! That's not very long! I can't wait! I'm glad things have been going so well with your pregnancy.

Nicole & Ammon said...

I'm so glad you have had a great pregnancy! It makes it more likely that you will have more! I am dying from morning sickness so remember how lucky you are!